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幼儿园教育研究性学习系列活动--爱诺Ednland 多元智能主题课程

发布时间:2016-05-24 08:27:50           责任编辑:admin02           点击次数:4746




Educational Technology Professional Development Seminar

At the educational technology professional development seminar 

on 19th May 2016, the experts from Ednland were looking at teacher

 preparation Their main point was professional development is 

much more than an image.

After 3 lessons, our teachers had a good interpretation of how to

 teach the following…

How to make a cake (group F )

Cognitive lesson about insect ( group E )

What time is it ? ( group A )

Miss Yin’s analyses suggests that developing better teaching skills

 is a multigenerational process. The focus was on the development

 of deeper understandings of the complex web of relationships between

 content, pedagogy and technology and the contexts in which they 

function. Pedagogic, pragmatic, theoretical, and methodological 

contributions were discussed.

During this teaching method meeting we learned a lot from Ednland

 experts and all the suggestions are useful. .We should all feel more

 confident in our efforts to grow as professionals.


We are look forward to next time and to optimized our approach to




