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抗疫主题英文演讲系列(三)——We Should Unite Together

发布时间:2020-05-15 14:08:04           责任编辑:王蕊           点击次数:4436




李松阳,英文名字Lee,就读于我校八年四班。这个爱笑的大男孩,脸上总是洋溢着自信,时刻充满着正能量。课堂上的他严谨并有趣,有时候他提出的问题看似简单,可细想却很有深意,这与他平时爱读书和善总结的好习惯是分不开的。他的外教老师Diana评价道,Lee is smart and intelligent, I am happy he is in my class. 除了学习之外,学校开展的各类活动,也少不了他的身影。这不,去年的英文演讲大赛,他还被特邀成为赛事的主持人呢!从古典的古筝到现代的DJ,这位枫叶全能型选手完全都能hold住。



邀请你看《天津泰达枫叶国际学校初中校区抗疫英文演讲(三)》,点击链接观看, 不负好时光。


We Should Unite Together


Good day everyone. I am Lee from Class4 Grade 8 of Maple Leaf international Schools-TianJin Teda Middle School Campus. This is a speech about the recent Novel-Coronavirus outbreak.


At first, the reports said the virus was firstly discovered in a seafood market in Wuhan, China during the Chinese Spring Festival.  The virus transmitted to people more easily. And, it spreads fast among people. Then the Chinese government started to block the infected places. About one month later, the epidemic situation was basically controlled. This is because of the hard working and dedication of the medical workers in the “front-line”. And the supporting from the entire Chinese people and other friendly countries is also absolutely necessary.


We all live in the earth village and we should help each other and win together. But until now, there are still some foreign medias who wanted to use their fake reports to negate what China did and suffered in the worldwide disaster. Compared with China government,their governments did almost nothing during the precious time from China, which did a lot to control the worldwide spreading. It’s because that they don’t know how to control the nation-wide outbreak by what they called the “democratic system”. I think they are jealous and anxious because they saw the advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristic. Obviously, they want to deny the truth. Time will tell these people what right is.


I think all the countries in the world should unite together to fight against the new coronavirus no matter what the country system is, like communism or capitalism. We are all the creatures on the Earth. The earth is our common homeland, so we should take care to our home together. Or we will lose our only home.



