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天津枫叶幼儿园复活节奇缘 Happy Easter Day

发布时间:2016-03-29 11:13:12           责任编辑:admin           点击次数:3472


在复活节到来之际,枫叶幼儿园举办了丰富多彩的复活节庆祝活动,无处不传递着复活节的气息。彩蛋代表着新生,一颗颗DIY创意无限的Easter eggs装扮着美丽的幼儿园,孩子们在认真的“工作”中锻炼着专注力,也感受到“创造”的神奇。如果活动只到这里结束了,那是远远不够的,孩子们的热情才刚刚开始,怎么能少得了活力四射的Sports Game呢! 戴着bunny头饰的小枫叶们跟随外教Mary老师在幼儿园精心准备的彩虹跑道上尽情奔跑游戏。还有Roll the eggs、Pass the eggs、Throw the eggs等各种新奇有趣的运动竞赛,让bunny宝宝们玩到HIGH。最后的欢乐“Rainbow eggs”环节,将本次活动的气氛推向了高潮。当Mary老师说到“1,2,3,eggs!”时,兔子宝宝们要将散落在草地各处的彩蛋找到,并放入自己队伍的篮子中,现场充满愉快的气氛,既锻炼了孩子们的协调性,又增强了他们的团结协作能力。


Easter day is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It represents resurrection and hope. In western countries, Easter Day is a fair important holiday for family, which provides an opportunity for family members enjoying their time at home. To celebrate Easter Day, the Maple Leaf Kindergarten holds a series of celebration activities. Last week our kids learned how to decorate and draw beautiful Easter eggs. All Children focused on their jobs and enjoyed the process of creativity. Furthermore, our children celebrated Easter Day outdoor today. Children played Sports Game with bunny ears above the head in our playground. They played the game of rolling the eggs, passing the eggs, throwing the eggs and Rainbow eggs. We can see that our children do not only play games, but they also learned from cooperation and problem-solving. In such lovely spring, you are welcome to join us to play with our Maple Leaf angels!
