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发布时间:2016-09-30 14:04:02           责任编辑:admin02           点击次数:3729



"Show and Tell"英语活动——深深的吸引了家长们的目光,看到了枫叶小学生充满活力的精彩瞬间,让他们感受到了“尊重关爱引领成全”教育理念下不一样的枫叶小学。




On September 29, 2016, parents in Maple Leaf Pre-School went 

to school with their kids in the morning!!!During OPEN HOUSE, 

you can not only get into the classroom and take part in Exchange

 Day activity, but also can come into the parents classroom!

In the class, our foreign teacher Mr. Mike and Mr. Zoran showed 

many interesting English games. Parents were happy to see their 

kids attracted by many kinds of classroom activities and outdoor activities.

In SHOW AND TELL English activity, many impressive scenes moved 

them a lot. In parents classroom, Miss Jenny Nie also gave a speech

 with her experience of family education.

Through OPEN HOUSE, all the parents saw the rich and colorful 

classroom activities, feeling the kids' growth and change, experiencing

the unique charm of Maple Leaf English theme day, and getting more

 suggestion from the education experts. It’s a good chance for parents 

to know more about school and get more ideaof Home-School cooperation.

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