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发布时间:2022-05-13 19:37:49           责任编辑:陈威           点击次数:3024

本周我们学习了Let’s go to the beach. 孩子们在课上自由的讨论了在海边能够做的有趣的事情,他们可以找螃蟹和贝壳,堆沙堡,玩儿沙滩球。孩子们很有想象力和创造力,看!这些是我们的海报!
   This week we learned “Let’s go to the beach”. They discussed what they could do at the beach. They can do fun things at the beach. They can look for crabs and shells, make a sand castle, play beach ball. They are very imaginative and creative. Look! These are our posters. 

沙滩 (2).png

沙滩 (3).png

沙滩 (5).png

沙滩 (7).png

沙滩 (6).png

沙滩 (8).png

沙滩 (1).png